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Rabbi Reveals Jewish Wisdom on Financial Success (featuring R’ Daniel Lapin) | KOSHER MONEY Ep 29
What does the Torah/Bible tell us about financial success?
Rabbi Daniel Lapin returns to the Kosher Money studio to reveal Biblical insights to becoming wealthy, a better person, a better communicator, a better family man, and more.
📕 Thou Shall Prosper - https://amzn.to/3RSmy59
📕 Business Secrets from the Bible - https://amzn.to/3cjyI6y
00:00 Intro
01:45 Welcome Rabbi Lapin
02:30 Reflecting
02:55 What are Erroneous Reasons Many Jews are Rich
06:42 The Five F’s
13:58 The Secret to Everything
16:45 Common Denominators Between Wealthy People
19:09 Does God Want Me to Be Wealthy?
25:59 Sponsor Message
29:00 Biblical Secrets to Making Money
35:30 Introverts, Money & The Power of Connection
45:00 Why Dave Ramsey is Successful
47:45 Do Self-Help Books Help? How to Be a Better Communicator?
53:45 How to Battle a Recession
1:02:50 Sponsored Message
1:04:08 Backyard Weddings and the Costs of Today
1:09:05 Ads in Jewish Magazines
1:13:05 Large Sums of Money: Spending & Inheritance
01:23:50 Living Longer
01:28:27 Righteous People Who Are Poor
01:38:40 Outro
If you have questions/feedback to share on this weeks episode, please email koshermoney@livinglchaim.com
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• Approved Funding: Looking to purchase a home? Looking to refinance? You need to speak to Shmuel Shayowitz at https://www.ApprovedFunding.com/Mortgages to make sure you do it right.
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Oh, and again: all investment strategies and investments involve risk of loss. Nothing contained in this episode or any of our episodes and videos should be construed as investment advice.
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