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Myron Golden - The Biblical Blueprint to Your Success
Sign up for Myron Golden's next Make More Offers Challenge at http://www.biblicalblueprintforsuccess.com
Why do so many of us instinctively believe that having money and/or being wealthy is ungodly and promotes ungodly behavior…
… when poor people are ALSO ungodly and commit ungodly behavior? 🤔
In other words, how much wealth you have has ZERO bearing on your salvation.
Why? Because just as having money can make you greedy, materialistic, and distracted by the world, …
Being poor, constantly “getting by,” and saddled with constant financial struggle can make you greedy, materialistic, and distracted by the world…
And it doesn’t have to be the latter, because God has given us the blueprint to both financial AND spiritual success to ensure that we don’t have to live the so-called “pious” poverty lifestyle, but also aren’t going to be consumed by money and lose track of the ultimate goal of salvation.
Hear about this and more LIVE Sunday, 12/19 at 6:30 PM on Faith, Practically Episode 74 entitled “The Biblical Blueprint to Your Success.” My guest is international speaker, marketing expert, and best-selling author Dr. Myron Golden, and we discuss:
👉🏾 Debunking both extremes about the Bible and money - that wealth is inherently evil AND the legitimacy of prosperity gospel
👉🏾 God's prescribed mindset for success based on principles of focus and beliefs
👉🏾 Bible case studies on escaping debt, building and scaling businesses, and creating wealth
👉🏾 And much more!
Come be a part of the conversation, and invite a friend!
#PracticalFaith #BibleBlueprints #Success #Purpose #LevelUpYourFaith