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Myron Golden - Everything Reproduces After Its Kind
Learn Bible-based business and wealth concepts like this straight from Myron Golden in his next live Make More Offers Challenge: http://www.biblicalblueprintforsuccess.com
Want to know the secret to selling high volume at a price you determine to people who can't wait to pay you what you ask?
It's in the Bible, and you don't have to read long to find it:
Genesis 1:11 "Then God said, 'Let the earth bring forth vegetation: seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each bearing fruit with seed according to its kind.'"
"Huh?" you say...
Watch this video, then prepare to get your mind blown even more in the next Make More Offers 5-Day Challenge and you discover that the Bible is the best business book, PERIOD!
Grab your seat now at http://www.biblicalblueprintforsuccess.com