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From Zero to Millionaire! It’s All About the Test
From Zero to Millionaire! It’s All About the Test Dr Jerry 5 Views • 3 months ago

When Rita’s husband walked out, she was left with a broken heart, no job, and no financial means. But she trusted God and His Word and began a journey with Him, and today she has a multimillion dollar business.

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The Best Bob Proctor Speech Of His Entire Life! (R.I.P)
The Best Bob Proctor Speech Of His Entire Life! (R.I.P) Dr Jerry 3 Views • 3 months ago

Speaker: Bob Proctor


Let us dive deep into the mystical realms of the Laws of Vibration, Magnetism, and the incredible power of manifesting our thoughts into physical reality! In this video, I share profound insights and practical wisdom that have reshaped my understanding of the universe and our ability to shape our own destinies.

The Law of Vibration is a profound recognition of the interconnectedness of all things. As a lifelong learner and seeker of truth, I've been captivated by the idea that everything in the universe, from the tiniest atoms to the grandest galaxies, vibrates at a specific frequency. This video is a culmination of years of exploration into the vibrational fabric of reality and the magnetic forces that govern our experiences, a lifetime of research in 15 minutes thanks to the late, great Bob Proctor

The Law of Magnetism, an intricate dance between energy and attraction, has been a revelation in my own journey of personal growth. Understanding how our thoughts and emotions act as magnetic forces, shaping the energy we attract into our lives, has been a game-changer. This video aims to demystify these principles, offering insights into how we can consciously harness this magnetic power to manifest our dreams and desires.

But it's not just about theories and concepts—this video delves into the practical application of these laws in our daily lives. From raising our vibrational frequency to aligning our thoughts with our desired outcomes, we'll explore actionable steps to manifest positive change and create the reality we envision.

Music: Spheriá
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Proctor Vibes LoFi Hip Hop Study Music Mix (90-Minutes) 🎧 Bob Proctor
Proctor Vibes LoFi Hip Hop Study Music Mix (90-Minutes) 🎧 Bob Proctor Dr Jerry 2 Views • 3 months ago

Setting aside dedicated daily study time for personal growth and development is one of the secrets to success for almost all high achieving people. For the past 60 years of his life, Bob Proctor has been no exception. Every morning you will find Bob in his studio studying and he believes you should do the same. Use this super chill LoFi study mix to enhance the vibe during your daily study.

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Dr Jerry 3 Views • 3 months ago - Get my NEW book The Greatness Mindset today! - Sign up for my FREE newsletter & get a dose of inspiration from our world-class guests, learn how to improve your life!
Download podcast episodes a week early! - Sign up for my FREE newsletter & get a dose of inspiration from our world-class guests, learn how to improve your life!

Bob Proctor is a New York Times bestselling author, motivational speaker, success coach, and expert on the human mind. In short, he’s a master thinker. One of his bestselling books is called You Were Born Rich, which is all about finding success in your present, rather than reaching for it in the future. Bob is also featured in the popular film The Secret, one of the most popular self-help films ever made.

Bob was a high school dropout who started off his career working low-paying jobs. At age 26, Bob read a book that changed his life: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Bob moved from making a couple thousand a year to hundreds of thousands to over one million a year. He’s spoken about his journey around the world and has been featured on a number of TV shows, such as Ellen and Larry King Live.

Bob Proctor partnered with attorney Sandy Gallagher to create the Proctor Gallagher Institute. The Institute offers elite programs and coaching courses that teach people how to use the power of their own minds to create the ideal life.

Bob says he was going nowhere before he “woke up” to how the universe works. He’s passionate because he figures that if it could work for him, it could work for anyone.

I’ve had the pleasure of having Bob on The School of Greatness a couple of times — Episode 835 and Episode 950 — where we talked about how having an abundance mindset naturally creates an abundant life and the practical things we can do to set ourselves up for success. Today, we’re discussing the Law of Attraction — specifically how you can manifest your desires in your life! Every time I have him on the show, I learned so much about money mindset, how to create a thriving business, and more — today’s episode is no different!

Join me on Episode 1,090 to learn all about the Law of Attraction, creating wealth, and manifesting abundance with the amazing Bob Proctor!
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27 Minutes of PURE PROCTOR GOLD | Q&A with Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher
27 Minutes of PURE PROCTOR GOLD | Q&A with Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher Dr Jerry 4 Views • 3 months ago

Why do people struggle to figure out who they are?
How do you get more emotionally connected to goals?
How does time factor in with goals?
How do you stay focused on your goals during setbacks?
What do you do when when you fail?
Could you be making moves sooner than you are?

These are a few of the questions that Bob and Sandy answer in this powerful audience Q&A session from a recent event. Wouldn't you love to be connected with a crowd of people asking questions like this and thinking on this frequency? Find out how below.

Make a decision right now that 2020 is going to be YOUR year for letting go of the past and step into your life the way you've always dreamed it could be. Get off to the best start possible and join us for our next Paradigm Shift event, January 24-26, 2020. Physical tickets are completely sold out but you can join us on the livestream from anywhere in the world! Learn more and register here:

#BobProctor #ParadigmShift

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The Frequency of Decision | Bob Proctor
The Frequency of Decision | Bob Proctor Dr Jerry 4 Views • 3 months ago

I'm going to show you something about decision, and I want you to watch this really carefully because this comes after years and years of work and years of study, and I'm going to tell you it works. Now, I want you to let those lines represent levels of vibration. Now, just, listen, watch and think. Watch and think. This could be one of the most important ideas you'll ever learn. It's certainly one of the most important I ever learned.

There are an infinite number of frequencies. Every frequency is hooked up to the one above and the one below. There is an infinite number. You know what that means? No beginning, no end. Infinite. Levels of vibration, they're more referred to as frequencies. Now, we know that these little dillies that we wander around with operate on frequencies. I have a specific frequency. It's mine. It's nobody else's. All the people in the world, all the cellphones, I have one, it's just mine. You have one, it's just yours. If I have yours in here, I can send you a message, won't matter where you are. You'll get it simultaneous with me sending it because we're on the same frequency.

This is a very important point. All science, all theology, all theology, all science, every area tell us nothing is created or destroyed. That only postulates the theory of life. There's no such thing as death. You don't have a soul; you are a soul. You moved into the money; you're going to move out of it. But all and always there ever was, the way to make this or the necessary ingredients to make this have always been here. Always been here. This isn't something that a couple of smart kids that whatever discovered, this has always been here. The way to fly an airplane has always been here. Yes, the Wright brothers got on that frequency. They didn't get on that frequency by accident. They got on that frequency by design.

Now, look it, you think on frequencies and I'll tell you something else; thought is one of the most potent form of energies there is. Thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space. Think about this. Thought energy would make the laser look puny, and you can think. So let these puffy little clouds represent your thoughts, and that's the frequency that you think on. Now, that'll work for every one of us, and so the results you're getting are nothing but the manifestation of the thinking that you've been involved in. Because that thinking alters your vibration. It alters how you act and it alters how you attract.

Why would we ever think anything we don't want to think? Why would we ever think, "Oh, I don't know if I can do that." What the hell do you mean, if I can do it? You can do anything. We got to get this straight. "I think I'll have difficulty." Quit thinking that. Stop it. What are you going to think, and think its polar opposite. Now look it, you're getting those results, however, what did we say yesterday? Your spiritual DNA is perfect. There's perfection within you. It's right in the core of you. It's the essence of who you are. That is spirit, pure unadulterated spirit. Spirits always for expansion and fuller expression. Spirit is always for expansion and fuller expression. There is no exception to that. It's always, so that's true within you. That essence, that perfection in you wants to be expressed with and through you. That's why you're continually wanting things. That's why dissatisfaction is such a creative vibration to get in.

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Do Exactly What I Tell You! | Bob Proctor
Do Exactly What I Tell You! | Bob Proctor Dr Jerry 2 Views • 3 months ago

This event has been sold out for months, but you can purchase a LIVE Stream ticket and enjoy the entire weekend seminar from the comfort of your own home - or wherever you are in the world!

This is NOT a motivational event.

Although, it will most certainly motivate, this is about something far more important than motivation.

There’s a very real enemy you’re dealing with - we're ALL dealing with - one that’s strategizing against you, holding you tightly bound to the comfort of your current results.

[Your Paradigm]

At the end of this three day seminar you’ll be equipped and ready to conquer your PARADIGMS in pursuit of the life you really want.

The weekend will be spent updating your programming so that you can upgrade your life.

You’ll never again be shackled by circumstance, artificial boundaries or a weak self-image.

You will be given the tools and strategies necessary to create ANYTHING YOU WANT FOR YOUR LIFE.

Tools and strategies that are targeted, precise, detailed, and specific.

I invite you to register and fully engage in every minute of this study. Don’t allow your paradigms one more moment of victory in your life.

Get more details on paradigms and purchase your LIVE Stream ticket here:

You'll also receive a 30 day replay of the entire event.

#BobProctor #ParadigmShift

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Health + Wealth POWER Meditation | Bob Proctor
Health + Wealth POWER Meditation | Bob Proctor Dr Jerry 5 Views • 3 months ago

Get your FREE Bob Proctor Meditation audio here:

Meditation, calmness and relaxation are truly hidden jewels of success. When you master them you’ll find an unwavering confidence that draws your dreams and goals closer with each breath.

For a more productive, enjoyable and relaxed life – download this meditation audio by best selling author, star of the hit movie the Secret and grandfather of the personal development industry,

Get your FREE Bob Proctor Meditation audio here:

If you want one of the Goal Coins that Bob mentions in this video you can find it at the bottom of this page:

#BobProctor #Meditation #RelaxWithBob

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Bob Proctor - Money Affirmations (LISTEN TO THIS EVERY DAY!)
Bob Proctor - Money Affirmations (LISTEN TO THIS EVERY DAY!) Dr Jerry 10 Views • 3 months ago

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