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Would More Money Make Most of Your Problems Vanish?
Men used to tend toward jobs in which they work with things (farming, construction, factories, etc.), while women tended towards home and family or jobs in which they work with people (teaching, nursing, stewardess, etc.). A few people worked with ideas (lawyers, philosophy professors, clergy). Today it's less evident than it used to be. But maybe men still yearn to make, manipulate, or fix things so they have hobbies. Men working in agriculture: 1900 = 38%; 2000 = 10%. Does having things in his life help keep a man sane? What happens when faith is obliterated? From 1860-1960: Marx - Secular morality; Darwin - Secular origin story; Freud - Secular s*x, Einstein - Secularism = All is relative. Abandon naive confidence in higher education to instill moral awareness of right and wrong. Check out my May appearance in Orlando: www.TheProvenConference.com/lapin About 30% of Americans have a university degree but they are governed by the US Congress of which 96% of members have a university degree. Like William F. Buckley, I'd rather be governed by an auto-mechanic than by a professor.
00:00 Finding joy in work.
06:11 Finding joy in serving customers.
14:31 Agricultural employment rates in the US over the past century.
15:08 - Join the community of We Happy Warriors https://wehappywarriors.com
19:41 Gender roles, nature, and business strategies.
26:30 - See Rabbi Lapin speak in person - The Proven Conference https://www.TheProvenConference.com/lapin
28:21 The impact of scientific discovery on society.
33:07 The impact of Darwin, Marx, and Freud on society.
39:40 The decline of religion and its impact on society.
42:58 Thought Tools article "Two Counties - Two Religions" https://rabbidaniellapin.com/t....wo-countries-two-rel
47:15 The shift from religious to secular universities in the US.
51:05 Faith and socialism's impact on society.
51:40 The Holistic You https://a.co/d/2RKFOZ2
58:13 Relying on institutions for moral values.
1:02:04 Education, values, and anti-Semitism.
1:09:54 University bias and its impact on society.