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I Ate Like Jesus For A Week
What would Jesus eat? For 7 Days I'm only eating foods that Jesus would've eaten.
✅ The Role of Meals in Jesus's Ministry: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL_gqXVwk6eYRVjv
✅ See how I cooked the leg of lamb: https://youtu.be/NbaELI8PdO0
✅ The Truth About Biblical Diets: https://youtu.be/RReNS0ROv2U
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📚 Related resources:
What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat?: https://bookshop.org/a/22058/9780802862983
Helping you taste and see that the Lord is good. Every week I share delicious recipes to level up your home cooking along with theological perspectives on food and eating. I want to help you learn to cook so you can enjoy God's good gift of food.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hungrytheologian/
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